Prisma Electronics at Greener Shipping Summit 2016

Prisma Electronics SA participated in the Greener Shipping Summit 2016, “What about Tomorrow”, organized by NEWSFRONT Naftiliaki on the 15th of November in Eugenides Foundation, under the auspices of MARTECMA. The visitors of the event had the opportunity to be introduced to the novel telemetry solution “LAROS”, by George Christopoulos, Director of Marine Operations, one of the key speakers of the conference.
During his presentation of LAROS DAS - Data Analysis System, Mr. Christopoulos, referred for the first time, to the analysis of Maritime Big Data and the tangible results in KPIs, interactively explored by LAROS DAS. ”Forecasts can now estimate future behaviors and values”, he stated and underlined that “with the adoption of LAROS, maritime businesses can achieve efficient planning of their future operations. Prognosis, results to cost-effective maintenance, which in turn generates profits”.