Greek contribution in Internet of Things industry

The world in now more connected than ever and Internet of Things technology is transforming business models towards efficiency, access and better decision making.
More than 200 industry leaders and 8.000 visitors attended the Internet of things (IoT) World Congress to exchange their experience and thoughts on the future, applications and development of IoT technology. The IoT Solutions World Congress is the second edition of a leading global event on industrial IoT. The event was organized by Fira de Barcelona in partnership with the Industrial Internet Consortium and took place in Barcelona between 25-27 October 2016.
Broadband internet has transformed the global marketplace offering new efficient ways of operations, enabling data driven decisions. Despite the fact that adoption is still at its early stage, there are optimistic expectations of growth traced back in major advancements in technologies of wireless networking, sensors, collectors and communication protocols. The abovementioned advancements allow the access of data from anywhere, anytime, simplifying processes, compliance and decision making. Among the key drivers of IoT technology are the internet connectivity, high mobile adoption and low cost sensors coupled with large investments on Iot Technology. The challenges are traced back in privacy and security concerns regarding the transmitted data, implementation and technological fragmentation.
Greek organizations have earned their place in the industry and developed innovative solutions on Iot technology. Part of the Greek expedition to the congress were the following companies under the auspices of Enterprise Greece: Centaur Technologies, Emphasis Telematics, ESS, Meazon, Think Silicon, Telesto Technologies, Wubby, Yodiwo and Prisma Electronics.
Prisma Electronics has been working on IoT technology since 2007 to be honored in 2015 with the prestigious Lloyds award on “Technical Achievement”, for the development of LAROS, a vertically integrated IoT solution for maritime industry. Mr Petros Soukoulias President of the scientific board said “We hold experience and significant evidence from the application of IoT technology on diverse environments. Prisma Sense was applied and tested in Agricultural, Maritime, Environmental, Factory, Health and City context” and added “the results were confirming on the potential affection of IoT technology on future industries and operations”.
LAROS is proven mature solution applied in maritime industry, already installed in more than 250 ships, based on Prisma Sense technology. Actual results claimed by shipping companies over a 12 month period on 48 vessel applications were fuel savings from 5-8%, avoidance of two to four major damages of machineries and improved communications. Mr Ioannis Chiotopoulos DNV-GL Regional Manager said “By working with such a reliable remote condition monitoring supplier as Prisma Electronics, we can provide shipping companies with a complete overview of their fleet” while signing a partnership agreement with Prisma Electronics in Posidonia 2016.
Regarding the congress outcomes mr Christos Giordamlis CEO of Prisma Electronics stated “It’s a fact that of Internet-of-things technology and its tools are now embedded in business operations. Greek IoT technologies raised high attention during the congress which confirms their competitive position in the industry. The products and solutions of Prisma electronics attracted the interest of leading manufacturers and Systems Integrators”.
About Prisma Electronics: A leading Greek Innovator in ICT, Knowledge Management Solutions and Electronics for Industrial, Aerospace and Defense applications, collaborating with ESA, AIRBUS DS and CERN. Founded in 1991 Prisma Εlectronics has more than 17 years experience in research and development of new solutions and products . Today international operations are supported through branches in Athens GR, London UK and New York USA.
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