Prisma Electronics at 1st ISEMMS project event

Prisma Electronics will participate in the 1st ISEMMS project event, a full-day workshop about lowering ship energy consumption & maintenance costs towards business sustainability, through Key Performance Indicators, KPIs. The workshop will take place on 21st of September at Lloyd's Register Headquarters in London, UK.
The ISEMMS project partners, within the context of Innovate UK framework, have been working towards deployment of digital technology using reliable Big Data, to enable a smart and a more cost effective decision making approach for shipping operators and operations.
During the workshop specialist speakers from academia and industry will cover aspects of current practice and a new generation of such data-enabled systems, as well as ISEMMS project objectives and activities covering:
• The scope and objectives of KPIs.
• Performance through Data Collection.
• Ship system Optimal Reliability and Maintenance Management and more.
More information about the ISEMMS project: